Architectural, Engineering & Construction Firms
Consulting Services
Bring More Ease to Growing Your Organization
Many A/E/C firm leaders want to create an enduring organization that leaves a lasting imprint on their community. They want to create meaningful careers for their team and deliver services with high ethics that elevate their customers’ lives.
But growing a successful firm often becomes overwhelmingly complex.
I know…I’ve been there, too.
Firm leaders are often pulled in multiple directions and can’t seem to break out of the vicious cycle of responding to immediate needs vs. consistently carrying out the strategic vision and plan. Does this describe you?
Whether you are just starting out or your retirement is in the foreseeable future, I can help you reach your next level of excellence.
8 Times A/E/C Firm Leaders Hire Carol Sente Consulting
1. Focus
When they want to focus more on leading firm toward a desired future path vs. putting out fires.
2. Prioritize
When they need a trusted partner to talk through pressing business issues and prioritize what to resolve first.
3. Produce
When they struggle to consistently produce well-managed projects that earn a respectable profit.
4. Grow
When they aren’t sure how to best accomplish strategic growth via revenues, profits, offices, staff, project size, etc.
5. Delegate
When they find themselves making 90% of the decisions and would rather rely more on their team.
6. Systematize
When they lack clear and documented systems and processes that empower the team and make their practice run smoothly.
7. Groom
When they want to identify and efficiently groom their emerging leaders and next generation of talent.
8. Retire
When they hope to retire in 5-10 years, but can’t envision who would buy their firm.

Together we can:
Create a clear and exciting vision forward.
Develop a sharp team to which you can delegate and transition leadership.
Shape-up into a model organization that others want to emulate, join, lead and/or buy.
Maintain a stronger bottom line / higher profits.
Establish consistent processes that the entire team will embrace.
Allow more time for yourself and your family.
Programs & Services for A/E/C Firms
Click on each to learn more.
Take your firm from good-to-great through strategy, focus and continual improvement until it’s “showroom” ready.
Identify future leaders you would like to develop and offer additional development and soft skill training.
Accomplish a shared team vision by taking time out to reflect, analyze, brainstorm and lay out a strategic plan with objectives and tactics.
Improve outcomes and profits by gathering a nimble team to discuss and develop concise, documented processes.
Provides our team members with a deeper sense of ownership and accountability.
“My organization worked with Carol on the development of a new employee performance review system. The leadership that Carol provided allowed us to successfully engage the entire organization in a thoughtful and productive manner. As a result, we now have a new employee performance review system that provides our team members with a deeper sense of ownership and accountability in both individual and corporate goals.”
—Scott W. Hester, P.E. | President, Counsilman-Hunsaker
The results have been significant and immediate.
“Camosy Construction has worked with Carol to assist us with improving and refining our written responses to Request for Proposals and Requests for Qualifications opportunities. Carol has also worked with us to improve our team’s interview skills and confidence. On both counts, the results have been significant and immediate. Camosy will definitely be working with Carol again in the future. In fact, we wish we could have kept her as our own ‘secret weapon.’”
—John Bosman | Director of Business Development, Camosy Construction

Over 30 Years in the Design and Construction Industry
Not so long ago, I was you! I was overwhelmed with a plethora of deadlines and urgent matters that I only got under control when I began to build a strong team, delegate and mentor, set strategic goals, and carve out time in my weekly calendar for “important but not urgent” business (and yes, not billable) tasks.
My career spans over 30 years in the design and construction industry, including 27 years rising through the ranks at SRBL Architects from Marketing Coordinator to Managing Principal/President. I am passionate about helping firms and people continually improve and sharpen their services and abilities.