Architectural, Engineering & Construction Firms
Process Improvement
Continual Process Improvement that Leads to Stellar Results
Too often service organizations don’t present their strongest self because members of the team each execute their own way. Spending time on continual process improvement is one of the best ways to: improve profits, strengthen the brand, develop leaders, and surpass the competition.
I help organizations break down each of their critical business functions into processes that are developed, refined, documented, and used. Believe me, it really can be fun, especially when you see the stellar results.
Areas of Focus
Human Resources
You can learn more about the above process improvement areas on the Succession Planning page. For the first processes I like to see an A/E/C firm refine—Project Management—continue reading below.
A Project Management Process that Actually Gets Utilized
If you’re like many A/E/C firms, you likely have good project managers that are each using their own project management (PM) processes. Your firm may be getting by just fine this way, but if you are looking to market and capitalize on your PM process, you need to create one that is organizationally approved, specific, and even branded.
You may wonder, how do I get all my PMs to use the same process?
I found out the hard way that good PMs will only follow a PM process if they have a role in developing the number and elements of steps and the content of the forms. It wasn’t until I invited our PMs to debate and agree upon the 10-12 components of a healthy project management process that the process became ingrained at my previous architectural firm. From there, we were able to perfect our process, scale it for project size, market it to existing and new clients, and train new PMs on it. (Our 12-Step Project Management Process even won an award!)
They say people who lean toward big picture thinking, focusing on actions like visioning, strategy and rainmaking, don’t tend to enjoy the detail of process improvement. Well then, I guess I don’t fit the mold. I enjoy building stronger organizations that think big AND think small. — Carol Sente
Developing an Exceptional Project Management Process
A firm-wide project management process may only seem like a “nice to have” — until you realize it can increase client satisfaction and profitability, and reduce errors and omissions. It’s true.
So, how do we get you there?
Identify an internal PM process champion.
Conduct basic PM training - This is done through recommended third-party provider.
Identify the 10-12 most important elements of a PM program - Make sure that the team can consistently execute and commit to these.
Build out the program - Involve the entire PM group and make it specific to your practice.
Work out the kinks - Share successes and areas still needing effort.
Roll it out to the entire firm - Have the original PMs train the rest of the PMs and any new hires.
We have greatly improved our performance.
“Working with Carol has been nothing but a positive experience for our company. Carol has helped us with our written responses to RFP’s and especially with preparation of our oral interviews. She comes with many years of experience in doing both those tasks (and very successfully I might add) and now we have greatly improved our performance as well. Carol will also be helping with Business Development skills for our younger employees and we are looking to continue our relationship with her firm.”
—John P. Camosy | President & CEO, Camosy Construction

Continually Improve and Sharpen Your Services and Abilities
With a passion for bringing process development and continual improvement to my previous firm, SRBL, I created an award-winning Project Management system and worked closely with promising young architects on project management, negotiation, conflict resolution, trouble shooting, team building, client handling, risk reduction skill development. I am passionate about helping firms and people continually improve and sharpen their services and abilities.
Are you ready to improve your Project Management Process and take your firm to the next level?