Park Districts
Board Dynamics Workshops
Cultivate a Highly Functional and Effective Park Board
How well is your park board working together to lead the big picture of your organization?
Regardless of how smart, industrious and conscientious your board members are, cultivating an effective team does not just happen automatically. It takes time, commitment and effort—especially when the team is made up of a diverse group of individuals in regard to age, ethnicity, background, professional experience, personality, etc.
Diversity is great for developing creative, thoughtful solutions, but only if team members understand their own behavioral tendencies and strengths.
Ask Yourself:
Have you recently brought on one or more board members?
Have you recently joined a new Agency as the Executive Director, or will you be retiring soon?
Are you seeking to fill a board vacancy?
Are you embarking upon a major initiative, such as a building expansion, major intergovernmental agreement or referendum?
Do you have one or more board members who haven’t quite found their role within the agency?
Do you recognize an opportunity for your board’s relationships to be stronger with other governmental entities and external stakeholders?
The end products on these deliverables were outstanding and very user friendly.
“I have known Carol personally and professionally for nearly 20 years. Her skills are many! She is smart, creative, passionate, a great leader, superb communicator and driven.
I have contracted her services for strategic planning, community surveying and board development exercises. All of the end products on these deliverables were outstanding and very user friendly. If you are looking for a professional consultant who can carry a wide array of talents in ‘sharpening’ your organization… Carol is your choice!”
—Jeff Fougerousse | Executive Director, Vernon Hills Park District
Board Dynamics Workshops
Your Board Members Will Learn…
Their own behavioral tendencies and strengths, and how to leverage them.
How to treat one another with respect and engage in fruitful debates.
How to move through upcoming activities/issues with skill, efficiency and the possibility for an improved outcome.
Your Board Group Dynamics Workshop(s) will be personalized to the specific scenario and needs of your agency, and often follow these 4 phases.
Phase 1
Discovery: We conduct a PDPGlobal ProScan (a behavioral assessment survey) of each Board Member and the Executive Director, and meet individually to gather background and scenario-relevant data.
Phase 2
Objectives: We set group’s desired outcomes, code of conduct and board values.
Phase 3
Resolution: We schedule 1-3 workshops to discuss, debate and resolve the situation and meet stated objectives, and engage in a team building exercise.
Phase 4
Commitment: We document and distribute the decisions reached and commitments made during the workshops.
“You have to want to change, be willing to try new things, invite ideas from the rest of your team, and build a focused organization in pursuit of a shared vision and work philosophy.” —Carol Sente

An Illinois State Representative and Park Board Commissioner
I spent almost 10 years as an Illinois State Representative and four years as a Vernon Hills Park Board Commissioner. In fact, I’m back for a second stint on my local park board.
In 2016, I won the Illinois Association of Park District’s Legislator of the Year for my support of parks and recreation. I have facilitated countless strategic planning retreats for park districts and private companies. Additionally, I have worked with 50+ Illinois park agencies (and other local governments) and their boards and professional staff on building design projects for approximately 17 years.