Park Districts
Consulting Services
Creating Even More Meaning and Impact at Your Park District
As the Executive Director, your days are likely FULL—putting out fires, leading a team busily providing their best services and programs to your community, and keeping up with regulations, monthly board packets and intergovernmental agreements. My guess is that you enjoy keeping your park agency humming along. It’s meaningful work!
But do you sometimes wonder where to find the time and energy to keep all the balls in the air?
If you want to break out of the cycle of constantly trying to keep up and take strategic steps toward your next level of excellence, I can help set you on that path.
Not only do I understand the public world you operate in and the pressure faced by elected board members, I also offer my CEO, leadership, and business experience. Let me help you focus on the long-range planning of your organization, so you can create even more meaning and impact.
6 Times Park Directors Hire Carol Sente Consulting
1. Adapt
When they sense their community demographics are beginning to shift, and they know this requires a measured response to adapt.
2. Re-Align
When it’s been five or more years since their last Strategic Planning Retreat, and either they’ve successfully completed their past SMART goals or they need a new vision to reach toward.
3. Assess
When new competition is in town that’s encroaching upon services that are their organization’s primary mission to provide, and they need to assess their best way forward.
4. Excel
When there’s a Board of Commissioners new to their role and/or each other, and they need to excel more effectively because there are big plans ahead or big challenges to address.
5. Groom Talent
When they have identified gaps in their team’s professional development and/or key individuals who have the drive and desire to move up in the organization and want to groom them for a higher role.
6. Retire
When they want to retire in 5+ years and leave the agency stronger than they found it.

Together we can:
Create a clear and exciting vision forward.
Develop a sharp team to which you can delegate and transition or assign leadership.
Shape-up into a model organization that others want to emulate, join or lead.
Strengthen a Board who embraces their role and seamlessly interacts with community and staff.
Maintain a stronger bottom line.
Programs & Services for Park Districts
Click on each to learn more.
Take time out to reflect, analyze, brainstorm and lay out a strategic plan with objectives and tactics to accomplish a shared team vision.
Empower your Board to continually grow in their role and ability to meet new challenges.
Identify future leaders you would like to develop and offer additional development and soft skill training.
The highest level of ethics and integrity in carrying out her work.
“I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and working with Carol Sente for nearly nine years during her time as the Illinois State Representative of the 59th District and most recently, at the committee level through her service with the Small Business Advocacy Council. Carol is a consummate professional and she demonstrates the highest level of ethics and integrity in carrying out her work. She has broad, in-depth knowledge of business, marketing, and strategic planning, and she consistently delivers top-quality deliverables for her customers and constituents. Carol is a dynamic and well-respected leader with a successful track record of supporting and advancing women.”
—Adriane Johnson | Board Member, Buffalo Grove Park District

An Illinois State Representative and Park Board Commissioner
I spent almost 10 years as an Illinois State Representative and four years as a Vernon Hills Park Board Commissioner. In fact, I’m back for a second stint on my local park board.
In 2016, I won the Illinois Association of Park District’s Legislator of the Year for my support of parks and recreation. I have facilitated countless strategic planning retreats for park districts and private companies. Additionally, I have worked with 50+ Illinois park agencies (and other local governments) and their boards and professional staff on building design projects for approximately 17 years.