6 Tips for Effective Trade Shows


Attending a trade show or conference is a valuable way to expand your network and knowledge, as well as generate new business.  If you are fortunate enough to have your organization invest the time and money to send you, demonstrate they made a wise decision by maximizing your time spent there and utilizing these six tips for effective trade show marketing.

1. Set Goals Before You Go

Set your focus on precisely what you want to get out of the trade show for your organization and yourself to exponentially maximize your success.  Rather than be happy with meeting anyone new, why not try to meet the new village manager at your current client for coffee and get introduced to the park district director looking to build a new facility that you’ve been tracking?  Need some inspiration for additional goals?  Stop at each competitors’ booth to say hello and catch up.  Expand your name recognition in an untapped geographic area.  Invite five prospects to your hospitality suite.  Develop a trade show booth theme that highlights a new service your team is rolling out.

2. Tell People You Are Attending and Set Appointments

Don’t just show up. Let your network know you are attending the event ahead of time.  Post on LinkedIn or send an email to your current and prospective customers letting them know you will be at the conference and where to find you.  Even if they are not attending, it is good to let your customers know that you find their organization important enough to attend their annual conference.  Use some of your trade show downtime to set up short meetings with existing customers, consultants, vendors, etc. for coffee, a meal, or a wind-down drink after the day’s events are over.

3. Engage in All Event Activities

Set an out of office email and voice message, turn off your cell phone, and focus 100% of your attention on all the event’s activities because generating new business and meeting the right person can happen anywhere.  Don’t limit your focus to only the exhibit hall or networking event.  Often trade shows have pre-conference sessions, social events, or off-site tours.  Don’t be surprised if you meet your next customer in the hallway, elevator, restroom, a vendor’s hospitality suite, or while standing in line for coffee.

4. Rehearse Questions and Conversation Starters

If small talk and mingling with strangers make you uncomfortable, plan thought-provoking questions and conversation starters to make networking less painful and more fruitful.  Select different topics, for example, for someone you just met versus talking to a new manager from an existing client.  Jot down various opening sentences and rehearse them, so they come out naturally when you need an ice breaker at the event’s keynote or luncheon.

5. Be Prepared

To get the most out of attending a trade show or conference, you require a high level of energy. Judiciously plan your week before the event through careful physical and mental preparation. Prepare physically by getting enough sleep, dressing for long days, and packing business cards, mints, and light snacks. Mentally prepare by reviewing the conference brochure and attendee list, knowing where to park, and your booth number, etc.

6. Document What You Learned and Promptly Follow Up

Don’t be so anxious to return from a trade show or conference and dive back into work before following up with everyone you met or spoke with via an email sent within the first 48 hours. You will also want to connect on LinkedIn and enter intelligence you learned into your own and your organization’s database so you can build strong customer profiles.

Become a trade show marketing master by following these six tips, and watch your effectiveness grow.

Carol Sente


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